
Start-ups help companies save money by using bots and AI

We live in a time of remarkable transformation in the way we interact with technology thanks to the fast development. Start-ups accelerated in our Spring Pre-accelerator have decided to create business using AI or autonomous bots to satisfy their customers´ needs.

Let us introduce smart solutions of, CoevoRetail and Citymind. provides autonomous platform for visual testing is a platform specifically designed to address the needs of companies that heavily rely on their web presence to drive revenue and success.

They understand the critical importance of a website working flawlessly for these businesses. Any issues or glitches can result in significant financial losses, as well as damage to their reputation. Their goal is to assist these companies in overcoming such challenges by providing an autonomous testing platform for visual testing.

The Wopee team consists of 4 skilled and experienced people, Marcel Veselka (CEO), Jan Beránek (CXO), Ondrej Winter (CTO) and Olena Nahorna (developer). They introduced their solution in May 2023 and already gained the trust of two valuable customers during the early stage of their start-up journey. At this phase their primary focus is on serving customers in Europe.

Source: Wopee

Advanced testing bots save their customers time and resources

By leveraging advanced autonomous testing bots, automates the visual testing process, saving customers valuable time and resources.

“Our platform support is conducting meticulous visual comparisons across different browsers, devices, and screen sizes, ensuring that websites are visually consistent and free from functional errors.”, says Marcel Veselka, CEO.

Customers can expect these benefits while using

  • enhanced user experience
  • time and resource savings
  • increased efficiency and productivity
  • cost-effectiveness
  • scalability
  • improved customer satisfaction and
  • greater success in their respective industries

User-friendly 3-click solution

Wopee team has set up a goal to make using their product incredibly simple and user-friendly. They are actively working to provide a seamless, 3-click solution for their clients, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

However, they also understand that some clients may have more complex environments or advanced requirements. That's why they offer additional advanced features to cater to their needs.

Find more about Wopee on LinkedIn or Meetup.

CoevoRetail infuses AI and automation into every aspect of the retail chain

CoevoRetail, led by Marko Ruman (CEO) and Roman Vendel (CTO), serves as an AI platform designed specifically for contemporary retailers. The goal is to infuse artificial intelligence and automation into every aspect of the retail chain, providing predictability to retail operations. This enables:

  • to optimize inventory management
  • streamline supply across multiple stores
  • implement dynamic pricing strategies
  • personalize customer experiences
  • and enhance cross-selling and upselling opportunities

Built upon unique AI models

The core foundation of the platform is built upon unique AI models, which were researched during CEO's tenure at the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Marko Ruman says about their effective solution: “Our platform utilizes Bayesian methods and decision-making theory to globally optimize the entire retail chain, taking into account the interconnectedness of its various aspects. By considering the interdependencies within the retail ecosystem, we can deliver comprehensive and effective optimization solutions.”

50% faster development thanks to no-code approach

One of the key advantages of CoevoRetail platform is the simplicity of use thanks to technological foundation. Fundamental building blocks are seamlessly combined into the final platform using a unique no-code development approach. This allows users to achieve a 50% faster development speed compared to others, high levels of customization and production of predictions in any desired format and their automatic delivery to external applications, eliminating any barriers to adoption or use.

Enhancing absolute margins by 2,5 – 10%

Product´s personalization aspect has undergone comprehensive testing across various online and offline retail scenarios. They have successfully demonstrated the ability to enhance retailers' absolute margins by 2,5 - 10%. As for the overall product, they are commencing sales and testing in the near future.

Primary focus is on acquiring clients in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Target market consists of mid-sized retailers with fewer than 10 brick-and-mortar shops and an e-shops operating within our region. After establishing successful case studies, CoevoRetail team plans to expand their reach to large retailers in CEE, followed by Europe and North America.

Citymind speeds up communication with AI chatbot

Citymind works on developing AI chatbot for municipalities and public administrations. Their goal is to help them simplify and speed up communication with citizens. Their chatbot makes comprehensive information available not only from city websites and information portals, but can provide relevant, truthful information in a fraction of seconds.

At the same time, it places maximum emphasis on GDPR and cybersecurity principles. The implementation is simple, and the product is scalable for any city. The chatbot environment itself is intuitive and easy to use.

Citymind team is currently finishing the development of the test version. Several cities have already agreed to implement this AI chatbot and to be a part of the testing. For now, the target market of Citymind is Czech Republic and Slovakia, but more international expansion is in the plan.

Currently, the AI chatbot is being developed by team of 5. Jakub Kapaník and Martin Mikulášek oversee sales and marketing. The team of developers consists of Andrej Gono, Tereza Hrbková and Filip Prochác.

June 14, 2023

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